copyright © Audrey Marineau
Gallout a rez c’hoari gant 1578 ger ha 26 texts, here in WordZero! Did you know? By learning other languages, you can improve your memory, your sensibility, your cognitive ability... and much more than that. You can also access to other people, cultures and thinkings.
WordZero is regularly updated: New contents (texts, topics...), new looks and features (themes, modes, fonts...) for your fun and convenience. If you want to see the last ones, it's here that you can get the detail of the releases.
WordZero was built and is updated by... me (Audrey). So, it is a free and non-commercial project (no business is made here). M’ez peus c’hoant gouzout hiroc’h a-zivout an amplegadoù implijout hollek.
I know it is not very original, but the fact is that I'm building WordZero in my spare time and to my cost, though it is intended to be used by other people and... perhaps you amongst them. So, please don't forget to give anything, money, texts, words or even a smile. It would be great!
Skeudennoù a zo bet kemeret digant gant lañvaz CC BY 3.0. I am very grateful to those who make these projects work. If you want to know more about them, Evit gouzout hiroc’h a-zivout an dra-se.