You will find here below the legal provisions and terms of use applicable to this site:
General provisions
By registering for a user account on this website, or by using this website and the services it provides, you impliedly acknowledge that you have notice of the provisions below, and that you fully and clearly understand their terms and rules without objecting any condition, restriction, reserve or limitation of any kind, and without any other formalities.
Only the french version shall be valid and binding in case of dispute. Any translations are given for purely information purposes only and cannot be invoked against us, either plaintiff or defendant, even in a matter of the interpretation.
This website is governed by French law. Any disputes relating to have to be brought before the French courts that have material jurisdiction within the territorial jurisdiction of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Brest. In that regard, it is pointed out that the owner of that website does not have the status of trader.
WordZero is a private ownership.
Be advised that article L 111-1 of the Code de la propriété intellectuelle (intellectual property code) grants the author of an intellectual work exclusive rights over it, without prior formality, these rights existing because of the only fact of its creation.
These rights shall extend to all forms of use, actual or potential, present or future, and to all assets that are not in the public domain, under a Creative Commons licence or under another license, including but not limited to : the name of the game, the name and the hosting of the website, the data, the texts, the pictures, the graphic charter, the computer code and the game itself.
The game is given free of charge to users of this website for personal or educational purposes only. The use of this game for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without prior, written, special and express consent of the owner. You do not have the right to export, copy, modify or share anything that could lie whithin the scope of this ownership, by any means and for any purpose, except as a quotation.
We are doing our best to prevent, detect and fix bugs, and to correct mistakes or vagueness of translations that might occur, but please notice that the game is given by a volunteer, free of charge and « as is ». The game is not subject to any warranty, and we do not assume any liability for any loss or damage that could be suffered or sustained.
Please contact us HERE if you want to report a problem you are facing to on this website. Set out this problem by giving us its most relevant informations, the more detailed the better. Do not forget to let us know when it occured (day, hour and minute if possible) and what happened (crash, mistake...).
Personal data
We will not give or sell any confidential or personal information to any third party, except as required by law.
We collect anonymous (non-personal) data for statistical purposes, even if you don't have an account. Those data help us know better how WordZero is used, so that we can shape its development to meet your wishes.
We store the following personal data: the name (please choose an alias) and the mail address. Besides, we store the following non-personal data: the password, the recording mode (if any) of your performances, and this recording itself (if any).
The mail address may be used to inform you about the WordZero project.
The recording mode of your performances and the recording of your performances itself are dissociated. You can thus delete your recordings without changing the recording mode (if you want to start over, for example). Conversely, if you set the recording mode to no recording, your former performances are kept, so that you can get them back if you come around, but further performances won't be stored.
You can delete your account on the page provided for that purpose. This action is irreversible.
Legal notice
This website is hosted by OVH SAS, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. If you have any question concerning our personal data policy, please contact us HERE. We shall answer as soon as possible. In case of disagreement, you can submit a complain to the CNIL.
This version was updated on 29 october 2023.